SEO – a guide to the blogs
At some point during the search for knowledge regarding search engine optimization and online marketing, most website owners will start searching through the SEO blogs. This is a good idea to do right from the start.
SEO blogs often cover many more topics than just “SEO”. SEO blogs often reach into every aspect of online marketing, which is very fitting considering most SEO’s also play their hand on mediums of traffic on the internet other than organic search engine traffic.
What makes a good SEO blog?
The main ingredient is high quality, unique information. Interesting enough, these traits are also shared by good websites in general.
My personal favorites: (for no particular reason)
Graywolf’s SEO Blog
Link Building Blog
SEO Book
Mainstream SEO Blogs
Marketing Pilgrim
Blue Hat SEO
Brad Fallon
Bruce Clay Blog
Cre8pc Usability and Holistic SEO
Elixer Systems
Google Blogoscoped
Graywolf’s SEO Blog
Jim Boykin’s Blog
Jim Westergren
John Battelle’s Searchblog
Link Building Blog
Matt Cutts (Hardly ever any SEO topics, but ranks #1 for ‘SEO blog‘, and he works for Google so I have no choice).
Mi Islita
Profit Papers
Reality SEO
Search Engine Guide
Search Engine Journal
Search Engine War
SEO Book
SEO Buzz Box
SEO by the Sea
SEO Scoop
SEO Speedwagon
Simple SEO Blog
Shoe Money
TextLinkBrokers Blog
Traffick SEO Blog
WebGuerilla’s SEO Blog
The Dark Side
Black Hat SEO Blog
David Naylor
Irish Wonder Black Hat SEO Blog
SEO Black Hat
syndk8 Blackhat SEO
Search Engine’s Blogs
Ask’s Blog
Google’s Blog
MSN Blog
Yahoo’s Blog
Rand from SEOmoz has compiled a list of the 50 most popular SEO blogs, ranking them in importance to the SEO community.
Barry Schwartz also has a list of 76 search blogs he is most likely to read.
This list covers just about every truly SEO related blog that I is high enough quality for me to recommend. I sincerely apologize if I left off your relevant useful SEO related blog. Contact me, and I will add it if it is relevant. There are also a ton of other great online marketing blogs that don’t touch enough on SEO, for them to be on the list, so maybe another day for them.
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Have to have on the list given the background with Yahoo! and HP
Good article. Thanks 🙂
Thanks for the information
Good list of SEO blogs thanks I’m sure I’ll now spend a few hours looking at most of them
Nice list – you are absolutely right about the fact that seo blogs tend to talk about a bigger area, including marketing and social media.
Didn’t know over 80% of them 🙂
It seems like to a quality information and I would like say thanks for sharing and appreciated.