
A Quick Monday Roundup

There are several interesting articles that I have seen today.

Seth blogs about a lack of organizations or individuals, that tweak existing websites. Not full re-designs, but people that work only on the small stuff.

I have to agree that this could be a great Niche for a competent company to fill. I’m not sure how a company would effectively market themselves, but word of mouth seems to be an efficient way to market a company like this. I imagine that once you get going, the referrals could be huge.

CakePHP is a Ruby on Rails equivalent for PHP. Oatmeal from seomoz reports on a website that they recent re-designed using CakePHP.

It looks like an amazing platform to publish with. I’m not sure how widely it will spread as it requires a fairly involved installation procedure and the learning of its proprietary sub-language within php. The benefits may definitely be worth the effort to learn, especially if it catches the mainstream php developing world.

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